This post is a web “home” to provide midwives and childbirth activists with links to educational, scientific or political information useful to defending normal childbirth and the midwifery profession against the constant and self-serving campaign by organized medicine to used its status and economic resources to influence the public discourse in order to promote an escalating model obstetrical intervention in normal childbirth, while using these same resource to suppress and eventually eliminate the independent practice of midwifery.
This information include historical and contemporary documents), scientific studies, government documents (such as produced by the MBC) and many other types of printed materials (include political essays written by me) that help Ca LMs to defend their professional status (esp. the scope of practice and client’s right of informed consent and refusal) and to counter-act the efforts by organized medicine to usurp the rights of mentally competent adults (i.e. the ability of healthy childbearing women to decline unwanted medicalization).
Links to useful information that relate to Ab 1308, Medical Board Agenda 11-B (VBAC) and efforts to legally restrict access to VBAC services by making it illegal for licensed midwives to provide childbirth services to any woman who had previous Cesarean surgery
Part 1 –Overview of unintended consequences of AB 1308 –>
The medicalization of normal childbirth in healthy women with normal term pregnancies has become the ‘customary’ practice in the US even thought . It begins with the routine of continuous EFM as the universal standard of care, the ‘liberal’ use of Cesarean surgery and