Directory Out-of-Print Books & Miscellaneous Historical Information

Out-of-Print Books, Historical Documents of Interest,
including related-web posts

Merchants in Medicine, 1941,
Emanuel Josephson, MD
Ophthalmologist and eye surgeons who was targeted by the AMA and in return, wrote a book  revealing the its corrupt practices

This insider history of the AMA and its many corrupt practices (he included photo copies of supporting documents) was published again in 1948 in the new tile of  “Your Life is Their Toy

Title pages & Table of Contents Forward.   Chapter 1.   Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 ??  Sorry, still a WORK-N-PROGRESS!

The AMA’s advertising support for cigarette smoking and the Reynolds Tobacco Company 




“Borrowed Servant/Captain-of-the-ship”
~ *The traditional hierarchical relationship
btw OBs and Midwives

The OR-style delivery room in our hospital (Orange Memorial in Orlando, Fla) was like and the scrub dresses that nurses wore

My nursing instructor’s definition of the
ethical standardfor healthcare ‘professionals’