Rosanna ~ Directory of multiple VBAC-regs related topics

Part 1 –
Overview of unintended consequences of AB 1308 

  • Understanding the legal abridgment of patients’ rights under AB 1308
  • Strategies to correct all aspects of the problem (42 wks, etc), and in particular, to AVOID throwing previous CS moms under the bus, as is currently the case for 42-wks 
  • VBAC care by Ca LMs and regulatory proposals ~ Points to help us avoid inappropriate regulation, legal & philosophical arguments to us in an Amicus Brief if necessary

Part-1B  ~ Addendum (or on-line attachment) to accompany our Amicus Brief for the OAL

“Historical and Contemporary comments by physicians about midwives ~ 1820 to 2014

Part 2: Ideas and proposed language relative to VBAC issues, incl. excerpts of ACOG opinions 166 & 214

Part 3 – Excerpts from legal precedents: ACOG Committee Opinions no. 166 & 214; 2009 report > forced Cesarean & Gabbe’s Obstetrics, ch 42 ~ Legal & Ethical Issues, Patient Rights

~ Work-n-progress ~

1. Midwifery Defined ~ Birth Images & Art Work: the historical role assigned to childbearing women, how it changed from woman as active agents in normal childbirth, surrounded by family, helped by women friends to give birth on our own two feet and the rapid transition in the 19th century that changed the role of laboring women to that of passive patients laying in bed, waiting to be “delivered”

2. (no link) Unfinished draft of “ACOG-sponsored AB 1308 Legalized Discrimination (ethical and patient-rights) violation against Midwifery Clients”